We are a member of Meals on Wheels America.
The Meals on Wheels program is funded, in part, by a grant from the United Way.
If you or someone you know need a nutritious meal, please contact:
- Amanda McCoy at amandam@nhpeoria.org or 309-674-1131 ext. 231
- Chadwick Williams at chadwickw@nhpeoria.org or 309-674-1131 ext. 222
For Peoria and Surrounding Areas
Who We Are
Meals On Wheels for Peoria and surrounding cities.
What We Do
Meals On Wheels provides a nutritious meal for people who are unable to prepare their own meal. The Meals On Wheels program is much more than delivering a hot meal at noon. It’s about care and concern and help that extends far beyond the noon hour. The program participants are people you know. They are your next door neighbor, your mother, your father, your aunt, your uncle, your grandmother, your grandfather or it could be YOU some day. The Meals On Wheels program also provides security as each participant knows “their” driver will be at the door each day, no matter how brief the visit or how bad the weather. There is comfort in such routine, especially when the driver may be the only person the participants talk to the entire day.
Where We Deliver
Meals on Wheels are delivered to eligible participants in the City of Peoria, Peoria County and portions of Tazewell County..
When We Deliver
Depending on where they live participants are on a 3 or 5 day delivery schedule. People on a 3 day schedule receive meal deliveries on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Meals are delivered mid-day. People who are eligible for evening or weekend meals receive them with lunch delivery.
Where We Receive Funding
The Meals On Wheels program has been made possible, in part, by a grant from the Heart of Illinois United Way, the Central Illinois Agency on Aging, FEMA, DHS, participant donations, private donations, and private pay participants. Donations from participants are encouraged though not required. We also rely on the generosity of our friends and neighbors to help fund this program.
Did You Know?
- More than 1,000,000 meals have been delivered since 1971.
- Meals are available for persons under 60 years of age with a medical condition.
- Meal participants also receive: social contact, educational materials, newspapers & pet food (if needed).